This SYP webinar looked at the role of tech workers and STEM students in efforts to challenge the rise of lethal autonomous weapons (‘killer robots’). Our guest speaker was Taniel Yusef (WILPF UK), who is researching the views of and current regulatory frameworks for STEMists working on robot-relevant tech. Her findings will be presented to […]
Ethics of Science RSS feed for this section
VIDEO: Ethical responsibility in open source (nuclear) research (9th Nov)
In this webinar, SYP UK hosted Adina Pintilie, who specialises in applying open sources to research tasks at Ridgeway Information (bio here). Her work involves finding new tools and refining novel research techniques, particularly supporting the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). She is interested in big data, machine learning, and natural language processing applications for […]
Call for presentations – Ethical Science festival, November 2020
In November, Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is hosting a ‘Festival of Ethical Science‘. This will be a series of webinars and discussions on the ethical implications of science and technology – and we want your views! Could you give a presentation for 5 to 15 minutes? Anything on your mind? We are seeking proposals for […]
Video: Killer robots? (SYP Webinar)
SYP UK held its second webinar, on the ethical, political and technical issues around lethal autonomous weapons (or ‘killer robots’), on 30th June 2020. Speakers included: Laura Nolan, a software engineer who recently resigned from Google in protest over its involvement with the US DoD’s ‘Project Maven’ – Starts at 0min20s – Slides here Elizabeth […]
British Pugwash Newsletter – May 2020
Topics covered in the British Pugwash May 2020 Newsletter include: Pugwash statement on the Open Skies Treaty and New START Pugwash statement on NPT Review postponement and risks post-pandemic Obituary – Julian Perry Robinson Dr Frank Boulton on ‘Nuclear war and public health’ A selection of relevant articles The newsletter can be found online here
Multimedia from Technology & Peace Conference (SYP UK), 7 March 2020
Student / Young Pugwash UK held its fifth Annual Conference in March 2020, titled ‘Warwick Technology & Peace Conference‘, in association with the Warwick Pugwash Student Society. It was a multidisciplinary conference about the risks posted by emerging technologies, as well as political and technical solutions to control them. The conference brought together over 50 […]