This working group, established in 2008 to explore options for the management of separated plutonium in the UK, addressed three possible options for the disposition of the UK plutonium stocks.
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The Management of the UK’s Plutonium Stocks
Published on 1st October 2011 in Nuclear Weapons, Fissile Materials, Publications 2010-2014
British Pugwash response to a DECC investigation of the three options discussed in the British Pugwash report The Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK.
Securing Fissile Materials
Published on 26th November 2009 in Nuclear Weapons, Events 2006-2009, Fissile Materials
26 November 2009. A VERTIC/British Pugwash joint event to launch a new British Pugwash Report, The Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK.

Report of the Working Group on the Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK
Published on 1st November 2009 in Nuclear Weapons, Publications 2006-2009, Fissile Materials
Report of the Working Group on the Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK (November 2009), based on the findings of its working group set up in 2008 to explore options for the management of separated plutonium in the UK.
British Pugwash Annual Report 2009
Published on 1st May 2009 in Nuclear Weapons, Fissile Materials, Disarmament, NPT, Annual reports, BRINDI
Top issues: UK related nuclear weapons issues, particularly government’s decision to proceed with renewing Trident; non-proliferation and disarmament issues.