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British Pugwash Annual Report 2022

Contents in this year’s annual report include: Developments in 2022 (Nuclear arms control / Chemical and Biological weapons / Climate change) Projects (Student and Young Pugwash / Peace Jam / Nuclear risk reduction / Climate change) Meetings and events (Including on: the Ukraine conflict / the nuclear non proliferation treaty / nuclear energy) Internal developments […]

British Pugwash Newsletter: April 2023

Items include: AGM Lecture with Professor Sir Hew Strachan, 9th May Videos of recent webinars UK public opinion survey on nuclear weapons EuroPugwash meeting Recent articles and reports of interest Student and Young Pugwash update   AGM Lecture (Online): Professor Sir Hew Strachan, 9th May What does the invasion of Ukraine tell us about war, […]

Dr Christopher Watson

With great sadness British Pugwash learned of the death of a former chairman, Dr Christopher Watson, on 17 August. Christopher had a career spanning 35 years in the UK nuclear industry, including 17 years at Culham, working on Controlled Fusion research (culminating in 5 years on the JET project). He then worked as a research […]

Pugwash at the 2022 NPT Review Conference

  On 12 August 2022 International Pugwash co-hosted a meeting with the Mission of Brazil to the United Nations in the sidelines of the 10th Review Conference of the NPT. More than 50 delegates and experts attended the event, which featured presentations by Professor Paolo Cotta Ramusino (Pugwash Secretary-General), Ambassador Wael Al Assad (Senior Adviser […]

SMR on a truck

VIDEO: Small Modular Reactors – Talk by Dr Mamdouh El-Shanawany

On Tues 26th April, British Pugwash hosted a talk and discussion on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), covering issues like costs, security and safeguards. The talk was given by Dr Mamdouh El-Shanawany, Chief Nuclear Advisor at Lloyd’s Register and formerly the Head of Nuclear Safety Assessment Section at the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Image of Dounreay - nuclear plant by sea

VIDEO: Climate change and coastal nuclear infrastructure

On Wed 6th April, Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) hosted a webinar about the potential impacts of climate change on coastal nuclear infrastructure. The event considered how climate change impacts (eg. sea-level rise, extreme weather) could affect both civil and military nuclear sites in the UK. Speakers were: Dr Sally Brown, who wrote the recent […]