Andreas Tsamados, from the King’s College Student/Young Pugwash group wrote this reflection on the anniversary of the bombings No More Hibakusha
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British Pugwash Annual Report 2014
Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene with major implications for British Pugwash; Trident and the General Election; the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics, including the military robotics debate; UK and European energy policy. Read or download the report (pdf)
What happened to Trident?
The 11th annual Rotblat Lecture at the Hay Festival was given this year on 30 May by the distinguished journalist and broadcaster Jon Snow, who asked ‘What happened to Trident?’
The Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK
This working group, established in 2008 to explore options for the management of separated plutonium in the UK, addressed three possible options for the disposition of the UK plutonium stocks.
An End to UK Nuclear Weapons
A 2002 report from a British Pugwash working group discusses options open to the UK government in the areas of nuclear arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament.
The Nuclear Weapons Policy Liaison Group
First convened in 2008, this group of experts has continued to meet regularly to coordinate and maintain effective and positive working links with parliamentarians across the political spectrum on UK nuclear weapons issues, in particular in relation to the renewal of the UK’s Trident nuclear weapons system.