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Explosion inside a bulb

Resources on Ethical Science – Podcasts, Literature, Rotblat

Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK’s Project on Ethical Science has compiled lists of resources to help the STEM community navigate the ethical and social challenges it may face over the coming years. Resources include: A list of engaging podcasts on science ethics – here Literature on ethics on STEM topics, including bio, data, nuclear and more […]

Joseph Rotblat Memorial Trust – We Need You!

The Joseph Rotblat Memorial Trust is looking for a new trustee. Could this be you? What is the Trust?  The Joseph Rotblat Memorial Trust (JRMT) is a charitable organisation, whose goals include the advancement of education about international peace, environmental sustainability, and the social responsibility of scientists. Sir Joseph Rotblat, the nuclear physicist and peace […]

face with stars in brain image

VIDEO: Science and Indigenous Peoples (24th Nov)

In this webinar, SYP UK hosted Riley Taitingfong and Dr Hilding Neilson discussed science and technology from the perspective of Indigenous communities. Riley Taitingfong, a PhD candidate at UCSD (here), introduced her work on gene drives on Pacific Ocean islands in the context of historic and ongoing impacts of settler colonialism and military experimentation. Hindling […]

Explosion within a bulb

Call for presentations – Ethical Science festival, November 2020

In November, Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is hosting a ‘Festival of Ethical Science‘. This will be a series of webinars and discussions on the ethical implications of science and technology – and we want your views! Could you give a presentation for 5 to 15 minutes? Anything on your mind? We are seeking proposals for […]

British Pugwash Newsletter – May 2020

Topics covered in the British Pugwash May 2020 Newsletter include: Pugwash statement on the Open Skies Treaty and New START Pugwash statement on NPT Review postponement and risks post-pandemic Obituary – Julian Perry Robinson Dr Frank Boulton on ‘Nuclear war and public health’ A selection of relevant articles The newsletter can be found online here