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Pugwash note on the outcome of the 10th NPT Review Conference

Pugwash notes with regret that the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) have not been able to achieve consensus on a Final Document at the Tenth Review Conference. The NPT is an important element of the multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regime, and all Parties must continue to support it in […]

Pugwash at the 2022 NPT Review Conference

  On 12 August 2022 International Pugwash co-hosted a meeting with the Mission of Brazil to the United Nations in the sidelines of the 10th Review Conference of the NPT. More than 50 delegates and experts attended the event, which featured presentations by Professor Paolo Cotta Ramusino (Pugwash Secretary-General), Ambassador Wael Al Assad (Senior Adviser […]

Peter Jenkins

Video: Future of the NPT – Russian and European views

On 24th September 2020, British Pugwash Chairman Peter Jenkins CMG spoke in an online roundtable titled ‘Future of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: A View from Russia and Europe’. The event was hosted by the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, as part of its annual Forum of Knowledge event. Video here Roundtable speakers […]

Sahil Shah

VIDEO: Iran and Nuclear Weapons (SYP webinar)

On 3rd August (5pm), Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) hosted its third webinar. The guest speaker was Sahil Shah, a Policy Fellow at the European Leadership Network and expert on the Iran Nuclear Deal (‘JCPOA’). Discussion topics included: • The state of play with the JCPOA • Recent mysterious attacks on Iranian facilities • International Atomic Energy […]

Sebastian Brixey-Williams

Video: The pandemic and non-proliferation (SYP webinar)

SYP UK held its first webinar, on the topic how COVID-19 is affecting the fields of arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament (16th June 2020) The guest speaker was Sebastian Brixey-Williams, Co-Director of the arms control think tank British American Security Information Council (BASIC). Discussion topics included: The pandemic’s effect on arms control and non-proliferation initiatives […]

British Pugwash Newsletter – May 2020

Topics covered in the British Pugwash May 2020 Newsletter include: Pugwash statement on the Open Skies Treaty and New START Pugwash statement on NPT Review postponement and risks post-pandemic Obituary – Julian Perry Robinson Dr Frank Boulton on ‘Nuclear war and public health’ A selection of relevant articles The newsletter can be found online here