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March/April newsletter – British Pugwash

Topics covered in the British Pugwash July/August 2022 Newsletter include: 1. Annual General Meeting – 26th April 2. Post-AGM Lecture on Small Modular Reactors – 26th April 3. Pugwash Note on nuclear risks and Ukraine 4. Climate Change & Nuclear Infrastructure – 6th April 5. Pugwash Lecture at Hay Festival – Prof. D. Lieven – 29th May […]

British Pugwash Annual Report 2021

Topics covered include: International developments vis-a-vis WMD arms control Trident and the Integrated Review Trident and Climate Change Nuclear First Use and Public Opinion Current and Near-Future Missile Defence Student/Young Pugwash UK PeaceJam UK British Pugwash and SYP UK events British Pugwash Developments (eg. Membership growth) Download or read the report

Note on nuclear risks and the Russian invasion of Ukraine (March 2022)

The below is a British Pugwash Note, prepared by Peter Jenkins CMG, Chairman of British Pugwash. It is titled ‘How high is the risk of nuclear weapon use following the Russian invasion of Ukraine?’ and is in PDF format here During an interview on 3 March Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, said: We have a […]

SMR on a truck

VIDEO: Small Modular Reactors – Talk by Dr Mamdouh El-Shanawany

On Tues 26th April, British Pugwash hosted a talk and discussion on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), covering issues like costs, security and safeguards. The talk was given by Dr Mamdouh El-Shanawany, Chief Nuclear Advisor at Lloyd’s Register and formerly the Head of Nuclear Safety Assessment Section at the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Arms Control Association statement on Ukraine and the nonproliferation regime

The British Pugwash Executive Committee commends the below editorial by Daryl G. Kimball, the Executive Director of the Arms Control Association. Full article here   Text of the Editorial: President Vladimir Putin has chosen the path of destruction instead of diplomacy. His months-long buildup of a massive Russian invasion force encircling Ukraine and his decision […]