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British Pugwash Newsletter – November 2019

Topics covered in the British Pugwash November 2019 Newsletter include: Film & Debate – The End of Nuclear Weapons? – KCL, 28 NovRemembering General Sir Hugh BeachMultimedia from Ethical Science mini-conference, NottinghamCrowdfund appeal – Help SYP UK get to Doha 2020!New York meeting: The Erosion of Arms Control Architecture The newsletter can be found online here

New research: Hypersonic weapon systems – Implications and arms control (Dec 2019)

Student/Young Pugwash UK is delighted to release a new report on developments with hypersonic missile technology. The paper covers the latest technologies, the key states involved, the risks posed and the potential ways forward for arms control and non-proliferation. The report was developed by Matteo Frigoli, a young legal scholar with specialist interests in space […]


Multimedia available – Ethical Science? – Nottingham University – 23rd October 2019

British Pugwash co-hosted with University of Nottingham Physics Department a mini-conference about ethical issues in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The conference was open to all ages and disciplines. The agenda is below. The conference was reviewed by Nottingham’s Professor Philip Moriarty (here) in a blog post titled ‘Some down-to-earth, blue sky thinking’. Ethical […]

British Pugwash Newsletter – August 2019

Topics covered in the British Pugwash Autumn 2019 Newsletter include: Ethical Science Mini-Conference: Nottingham, All welcome! Tehran meeting on JCPOA: Pugwash delegation to Iran Training day – DIY Media – Create compelling video! Hypersonic missiles and strategic stability: Geneva workshop ‘Drones, swarming and the future of warfare’: Pugwash at APPG Salisbury poisonings one year on: […]

Pugwash news in June: Iran visit, Prof Finney on killer robots, President on NPT

Item 1: Iran visit – International Pugwash visited Tehran (Iran) for a two-day meeting to discuss the JCPOA (the ‘Iran Deal’) – Meeting notes and photos here Item 2: Killer robots – Professor John Finney, of the British Pugwash Trust, has written for Responsible Science about the risks of ‘killer robots’ and the UN’s COMEST Commissions […]