Topics covered in the British Pugwash June 2020 Newsletter include: Webinars scheduled for September VIDEO: Iran and nuclear weapons, with Sahil Shah (SYP UK webinar) The newsletter can be found online here
Archive | 2020
British Pugwash newsletter – July 2020
Topics covered in the British Pugwash June 2020 Newsletter include: 65th anniversary of the launch of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto Reports, audio, video and text from and about the Russell-Einstein Manifesto The newsletter can be found online here
Report & Briefings: Pugwash workshop on hypersonic weapons
In December 2019, International Pugwash hosted a workshop on hypersonic weapons in Geneva. The meeting brought together 30 participants from various continents, including current and former government officials, scientists, engineers, academics and experts from think tanks and other non-governmental organisations. All discussions were held under Chatham House rules. The workshop aimed at fostering a constructive […]

Festival of Ethical Science – Register today!
Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is hosting its first festival. A series of events throughout November on ethical and political challenges in 21st Century science & technology. Register today! The line-up includes: Wed 4th – Ethics & Digital Technologies – w/ Julia Slupska (Digital Ethics Lab, here) and Dr Kanta Dihal (here) – 17:00 UK Sat […]

VIDEO: China’s nuclear weapons – Policies, arms control and engagement
On 16th October 2020, a Student/Young Pugwash UK webinar hosted Dr Tong Zhao, a senior fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, based at the Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing. His research focuses on strategic security issues, including arms control, missile defence, hypersonic weapons, and regional nuclear […]

Video: Future of the NPT – Russian and European views
On 24th September 2020, British Pugwash Chairman Peter Jenkins CMG spoke in an online roundtable titled ‘Future of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: A View from Russia and Europe’. The event was hosted by the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, as part of its annual Forum of Knowledge event. Video here Roundtable speakers […]