T Milne, H Beach, J L Finney, R S Pease, J Rotblat, An End to UK Nuclear Weapons A Report from the British Pugwash Group, 3 October 2002.
The Answer to Global Warming – A Plague of Windmills or Nuclear Proliferation?
17th December 2001, The Royal Society, London. Speakers: Dr. John Hassard Reader in Physics at Imperial College, London Combating Global Warming – The New Cold War, Prof. Jack Harris, Royal Society ‘Esso’ Gold Medallist for his work on the nuclear fuel cycle
British Nuclear Weapons – Where Next?
5 September 2001, A Pugwash session at the annual meeting of The British Association for the Advancement of Science, University of Glasgow. Speakers: General Sir Hugh Beach: Eliminating British Nuclear Weapons Professor Sir Joseph Rotblat: Social Responsibility of Scientists: the Pugwash Conferences.
Nuclear Weapons: Britain’s Commitment to Disarm
26 April 2001, London. Discussion opened by Dr Michael Clarke, Director, Centre for Defence Studies, London
Verifying Nuclear Disarmament – A Role for AWE Aldermaston
Tom Milne and Henrietta Wilson, Verifying Nuclear Disarmament: A Role for AWE Aldermaston, a report from the British Pugwash Group with an introduction from Professor Jack Harris FRS, Sir Martin Rees FRS and Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS.
Return of Star Wars: A Threat to Peace?
8 December 2000, London. Speakers: Air Marshal Sir Timothy Garden (UK), Professor Richard Garwin (USA), Dr Alexander Konovalov (Russia)