9 December 2005 A memorial event to honour the life of Sir Joseph Rotblat was held at the Royal Society, London, followed by a reception. Joseph Rotblat Memorial Booklet (pdf)

9 December 2005 A memorial event to honour the life of Sir Joseph Rotblat was held at the Royal Society, London, followed by a reception. Joseph Rotblat Memorial Booklet (pdf)
4th October 2005, British Institute of Radiology, London W1. Speaker: Professor Michael McGwire, Cdr. RN, OBE
29 April 2005, University College London. Speaker: Mr David Fischer, Consultant on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Safeguards; formerly Assistant Director-General for External Relations, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
24 February 2005, British Institute of Radiology, London. Discussion meeting focusing on the NPT Review Conference in May 2005. Speakers: Senator Douglas Roche, O.C., Chairman, Middle Powers Initiative, Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator, Parliamentary Network for Nuclear Disarmament
10 December 2004, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London. Speakers: Prof. Bhupendra Jasani, Department of War Studies, King’s College London Joelien Pretorius, Centre for International Studies, Cambridge, Prof. Dan Plesch, Department of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College
9 November 2004, British Institute of Radiology, London. Speaker: Sir Brian Heap CBE FRS, UK Representative NATO Science Committee, former Master St. Edmund’s College Cambridge
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