
Oxford event – The Russell-Einstein Manifesto (9th March)

On 9th March 2020, University of Oxford Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) will be hosting Prof. John Finney (UCL) to discuss ‘The Russell-Einstein Manifesto: Its Origins and Legacy’ Date/Time: 9th March, 7.45pm Location: Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Physics Dept., Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU Facebook event here In March 1954, the US exploded the World’s first […]

Students at SYP conference

Information for Warwick Technology & Peace – 7th March

Warwick Technology and Peace Conference (SYP UK Annual Conference 2020) A multidisciplinary conference about the risks posed by emerging technologies, as well as political and technical solutions to control them. Date / Start time: Sat 7th March, 10am Location: MB0.07 (Mathematical Sciences Building), Central Campus, University of Warwick Draft agenda // Register onlineCampus map // […]

Physicists mobilise to reduce the nuclear threat. Again.

The Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a U.S. NGO, has just re-set its ‘Doomsday Clock’ from two minutes before midnight to 100 seconds to midnight. Read about the Doomsday Clock and the Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction In 1953, when first the United States and then the Soviet […]

Lord Martin Rees

British Pugwash welcomes new Patrons from science and defence

British Pugwash Group is delighted to announce the appointment of seven Patrons, all of whom are leading figures from the worlds of science or defence. Our Patrons are public supporters and advocates for the work of British Pugwash, which seeks to apply independent, scientifically-informed analysis to some of the most challenging issues in international security, […]

British Pugwash Newsletter – January 2020

Topics covered in the British Pugwash January 2020 Newsletter include: New Research: Hypersonic weapon systems – Implications for strategic stability and arms controlResearcher job: British Pugwash project on climate change and nuclear weaponsRoyal Society video of Rees/Cox on Rotblat – Now on YouTube!Crowdfund appeal – Help SYP UK get to Doha 2020 The newsletter can […]

New on YouTube: People of Science – Sir Joseph Rotblat (Co-founder of Pugwash)

Royal Society / Pugwash Collaboration:People of Science – Sir Jo Rotblat (featuring Prof Brian Cox & Lord Martin Rees)   We are delighted to announce that the Royal Society video on Pugwash and its founder (Sir Joseph Rotblat) is now available on YouTube (here). The film is part of a series hosted by Prof Brian Cox, in which […]