Warwick Technology and Peace Conference (SYP UK Annual Conference 2020) A multidisciplinary conference about the risks posed by emerging technologies, as well as political and technical solutions to control them. Tickets here. There’ll be workshops on autonomous weapons (‘killer robots’) and the campaign against them; the impact of emerging technologies on nuclear weapons (eg. vulnerabilities, […]
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Help a Young Pugwashite get to Doha 2020!
Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is raising money to support one of its members to represent SYP UK at the next International SYP Conference, in Doha (Qatar) in early 2020.The 11th International SYP Conference (here) will bring together young scholars and professionals from around the word to discuss their ideas for the future of disarmament, arms control […]

Doha announced as host of 63rd Pugwash Conference, March 2020 – POSTPONED
THIS CONFERENCE HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK. —– Pugwash is pleased to announce that the 63rd Pugwash International Conference will take place from 1 – 5 March 2020, kindly hosted by the Government of the State of Qatar in Doha. In preparation, Pugwash Secretary General Paolo Cotta Ramusino and Senior Program Coordinator […]
New British Pugwash Group Exec Committee elected
The British Pugwash Group (BPG) is a membership organisation that brings together scientists and others concerned with international affairs and disarmament. Its Executive Committee for managing the organisation on a day-to-day basis and is responsible for BPG research projects and other types of work. Following the recent BPG Annual General Meeting (May 2019), BPG elected the below members to […]
Pugwash Peace & Disarmament Conference – Save the date!
Student/Young Pugwash UK is collaborating with British Pugwash to host a major, one-day conference exploring the prospects for arms control and disarmament over the coming years. The conference will be on 23rd February 2019 at SOAS, London. Register here. Pugwash Peace & Disarmament Conference will consider cutting-edge issues in nuclear weapons policy and emerging technologies, […]
British Pugwash Annual Report 2017
Key topics include: developments on the international scene, including US and Russia; Trident: emerging technologies; the NPT RevCon and the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics: the ethics of modern robotics; energy policy and climate change; Student / Young Pugwash activities; events in 2017 Read or download the report