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Webinar invitation: Dr Hans Blix, ‘A Farewell to Wars,’ April 2nd, 14.00

You are invited to our latest webinar on April 2nd at 14.00 (UK). Dr Hans Blix will present and explain the central thoughts and findings in his book ‘A Farewell to Wars. The Growing Restraints on the Interstate Use of Force’. Register for this webinar via zoom here. Biography Dr Blix studied at the universities […]

Tom Sauer (2)

Europeanising France’s Nuclear Deterrent? by Prof Tom Sauer

Europeanising France’s Nuclear Deterrent? by Prof Tom Sauer   Recent developments in relations between the United States and Europe have prompted the President of France to offer to make France’s nuclear forces available for the defence of Europe. What follows is a critique of that offer by a Belgian member of Pugwash, Tom Sauer, who […]

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Agenda: 8th Annual SYP Peace and Disarmament Conference, 15/03/25, King’s College London

You are invited to the 8th Annual Student / Young Pugwash Conference on 15 March 2025   The venue is King’s College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building (Room 1.10). Registration will take place from 9.30am and the first session will start at 10am. The event will end at around 5pm followed by a social at a nearby pub. […]

British Pugwash Newsletter: February 2025

Items include: Dr P.J. Blount: Video, ‘The Co-evolution of the Nuclear-Space Age’ Student and Young Pugwash Conference, King’s College London, 15 March ‘AI and Warfare’ event, Oxford University, 17 March Videos of recent webinars Recent publications Research project: request for participants Stop Ecocide Law Annual Membership Obituary: Professor Max Klein … Dr P.J. Blount, Webinar […]

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Invitation: SYP Peace and Disarmament Conference, London, 15/03/25

You are invited to the 8th Annual Student / Young Pugwash Conference on 15 March 2025   The venue is King’s College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building (Room 1.10). Registration will take place from 9.30am and the first session will start at 10am. The event will end at 5.30pm followed by a social at a nearby pub. […]