British and International Pugwash convened a discussion on the theme of irreversibility in the nuclear domain in Rome on 20 and 21 November 2023. The 12 participants, present in a personal capacity, came from the USA, Russia, China, India, the UK, Canada, Italy, Belgium, and Germany. The group comprised former diplomats, political scientists, physicists, and […]
Chemical and Biological Weapons RSS feed for this section
British Pugwash Newsletter – May 2020
Topics covered in the British Pugwash May 2020 Newsletter include: Pugwash statement on the Open Skies Treaty and New START Pugwash statement on NPT Review postponement and risks post-pandemic Obituary – Julian Perry Robinson Dr Frank Boulton on ‘Nuclear war and public health’ A selection of relevant articles The newsletter can be found online here
British Pugwash Group Annual Report 2019
Topics covered include: International developments vis-a-vis arms control Student/Young Pugwash UK Pugwash mission to Moscow Hypersonic missiles research EuroPugwash conference British Pugwash development / changes Download or read the report

Ethics of Biotech – 17th Oct – Warwick Pugwash event
Warwick Pugwash Student Society (WPSS) welcomes Dr. Simon Jenkins for a discussion about recent discoveries in the field of biotechnology and gene editing, and the ethical concerns that arise around them. After the event, attendees will go to Terrace Bar to continue the conversation. There will be free pizza during the talk. All welcome!
British Pugwash Annual Report 2018
Key topics include: developments on the international scene, including US and Russia; Student / Young Pugwash activities; WMD Awareness – the podcast; Events; BPG development – eg. Business Development Plan; International Pugwash activities. Download or read the report

The Salisbury poisonings – Multimedia from public lecture – SOAS, 15th April 2019
On 26th April 2019, British Pugwash co-hosted a public lecture at SOAS, titled: The Salisbury poisonings – one year after Click for audio and slides Our guest speaker was Dr Richard Guthrie, a member of British Pugwash Executive Committee and an expert on chemical and biological weapons. The talk covered some of the events during […]