Rose Gottemoeller: progress towards ‘nuclear zero’. This year’s Joseph Rotblat Memorial Lecture at the Hay Festival on 10 June was given by Rose Gottemoeller, Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security in the Obama Administration, and US Chief Negotiator for the new START treaty. This annual lecture is organized by WMD Awareness and […]
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Lessons of Fukushima
Just before the first anniversary of the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami, Dr Mike Weightman outlined the results of his international fact-finding mission to Japan in May 2011 on behalf of the IAEA and its implications for the British nuclear industry.
Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience: Launching Andrew Brown’s biography of Joseph Rotblat
British Pugwash, in conjunction with Oxford University Press, launched Andrew Brown’s biography of Joseph Rotblat, Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience at a packed meeting at UCL.
The Management of the UK’s Plutonium Stocks
British Pugwash response to a DECC investigation of the three options discussed in the British Pugwash report The Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK.
Stable at Zero: Maintaining a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Ward Wilson, Senior Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies returned to address a British Pugwash Discussion Meeting at University College London.
British Pugwash Newsletter September 2011
Topics include: Planetary Boundaries, The Future of Trident; 59th Pugwash conference