Robert Hinde and Joseph Rotblat, War No More – Eliminating Conflict in the Nuclear Age Pluto Press, 2003
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Causes of War – Role of the Media
14 October 2003, British Institute of Radiology, London W1. Speaker: Robert Fox, journalist and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Defence Studies, King’s College, London
Global Peace Enforcement – Assessing the Requirements
Members of the British Pugwash Group asked that this report, together with the attached commentary by Joseph Rotblat, should be made publicly available. It originally appeared as a submitted paper for the 50th Annual Pugwash Conference: “Eliminating the Causes of War”.
Nobel laureates tell United States – Now win the peace
‘Nobel laureates tell United States: Now win the peace’, The Independent, 18 April 2003. The war is over but Iraq is in disarray. Here, seven peace prize winners (including Sir Joseph Rotblat) warn that the rest of the world may suffer too.
Return of Star Wars: A Threat to Peace?
8 December 2000, London. Speakers: Air Marshal Sir Timothy Garden (UK), Professor Richard Garwin (USA), Dr Alexander Konovalov (Russia)
India and the Bomb
Professor Amartya Sen’s Dorothy Hodgkin Lecture, presented at the 50th Pugwash Annual Conference, Cambridge, August 2000 and sponsored by the British Pugwash Group