3 April 2003, Imperial College, London. Speaker: Professor John Simpson, Founding Director of the Mountbatten Centre at the University of Southampton and a leading authority on nuclear non-proliferation
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We are on a slippery slope, heading for disaster
Joseph Rotblat, ‘We are on a slippery slope, heading for disaster’, The Guardian, 8 January 2003, reporting the RUSI conference on non-proliferation
What Future for Arms Control?
14 November 2002, The Royal Society, London. Pugwash Symposium Speakers: Steven Miller (USA), Director, International Security Program, Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, General Sir Hugh Beach (UK), formerly Master General of Ordnance, British Armed Forces; Alexander Nikitin (Russia), Director, Centre for Political and International Studies, Moscow
Nuclear Weapons: Britain’s Commitment to Disarm
26 April 2001, London. Discussion opened by Dr Michael Clarke, Director, Centre for Defence Studies, London
Verifying Nuclear Disarmament – A Role for AWE Aldermaston
Tom Milne and Henrietta Wilson, Verifying Nuclear Disarmament: A Role for AWE Aldermaston, a report from the British Pugwash Group with an introduction from Professor Jack Harris FRS, Sir Martin Rees FRS and Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS.