In November, Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is hosting a ‘Festival of Ethical Science‘. This will be a series of webinars and discussions on the ethical implications of science and technology – and we want your views! Could you give a presentation for 5 to 15 minutes? Anything on your mind? We are seeking proposals for […]
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Pugwash Training – Facing the media with confidence
Sat 26th September // Zoom // SYP UK & Media Trust Student/Young Pugwash UK has partnered with the Media Trust to organise an interactive training session for six people interested in peace, disarmament and arms control. Any levels of experience welcome! You’ll learn how to: Put across your messages effectively on TV and radio How […]
VIDEO: Iran and Nuclear Weapons (SYP webinar)
On 3rd August (5pm), Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) hosted its third webinar. The guest speaker was Sahil Shah, a Policy Fellow at the European Leadership Network and expert on the Iran Nuclear Deal (‘JCPOA’). Discussion topics included: • The state of play with the JCPOA • Recent mysterious attacks on Iranian facilities • International Atomic Energy […]
Video: Killer robots? (SYP Webinar)
SYP UK held its second webinar, on the ethical, political and technical issues around lethal autonomous weapons (or ‘killer robots’), on 30th June 2020. Speakers included: Laura Nolan, a software engineer who recently resigned from Google in protest over its involvement with the US DoD’s ‘Project Maven’ – Starts at 0min20s – Slides here Elizabeth […]
Video: The pandemic and non-proliferation (SYP webinar)
SYP UK held its first webinar, on the topic how COVID-19 is affecting the fields of arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament (16th June 2020) The guest speaker was Sebastian Brixey-Williams, Co-Director of the arms control think tank British American Security Information Council (BASIC). Discussion topics included: The pandemic’s effect on arms control and non-proliferation initiatives […]
Pugwash statement on the NPT Review Conference Postponement and Risks after the Pandemic
The below is a Pugwash statement concerning nuclear problems and tensions in the time of COVID-19. This statement has been co-signed by an extensive list of Pugwash colleagues and personalities, including the President and Secretary General of International Pugwash (full list of names here).International Pugwash hopes that it might promote debate about how to improve international cooperation and, in particular, […]