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New podcast – Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness!

British Pugwash was the host of a major, public awareness campaign for over 10 years – WMD Awareness – which educated the public and politicians about the reality of nuclear (and other) weapons. One of the leading lights of the initiative – Luke Wilson – has made a fantastic podcast about the history and insights […]

British Pugwash Annual Report 2016

Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene; Trident: emerging technologies; the NPT RevCon and the Disarmament Institute(BRINDI); science and ethics; energy policy and climate change

British Pugwash Newsletter October 2016

British Pugwash Newsletter October 2016 Topics include: New Chair of British Pugwash; Emerging technologies and the nuclear debate; COMEST and robotics; Student/Young Pugwash: first annual conference; Climate change and the Global Energy Calculator

British Pugwash Annual Report 2015

Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene with major implications for British Pugwash; Trident update; the 2015 NPT Review Conference; the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics, including autonomous weapons; chemical weapons; UK and European energy policy.