A new report adopted by The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) in September 2017 addresses the ethical and legal issues of armed robotic systems and their implications for the changing nature of warfare.
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British Pugwash Annual Report 2016
Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene; Trident: emerging technologies; the NPT RevCon and the Disarmament Institute(BRINDI); science and ethics; energy policy and climate change
Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Future of SSBNs, September 2016 Conference: Reports
Two new reports assess the effect of emerging undersea technologies on ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) and strategic stability. They arise from work led by British Pugwash with BASIC in a close, supporting role.
British Pugwash Newsletter October 2016
British Pugwash Newsletter October 2016 Topics include: New Chair of British Pugwash; Emerging technologies and the nuclear debate; COMEST and robotics; Student/Young Pugwash: first annual conference; Climate change and the Global Energy Calculator
British Pugwash Annual Report 2015
Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene with major implications for British Pugwash; Trident update; the 2015 NPT Review Conference; the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics, including autonomous weapons; chemical weapons; UK and European energy policy.
The Iran Case and Lessons for Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Amb. Peter Jenkins, twice British Ambassador in the UK Mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency, from 2001 to 2006, and a current member of the British Pugwash Executive Committee outlines the lessons that can be learned from the difficult and prolonged process of negotiation between Iran, the P5+1and the EU.