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Pugwash Peace & Disarmament Conference 2019 – multimedia report!

Student / Young Pugwash UK held its fourth Annual Conference in February 2019, titled ‘Pugwash Peace & Disarmament Conference‘. It explored the prospects for arms control and disarmament over the coming years, with focuses on nuclear weapons and emerging technologies. The conference brought together over 70 participants, including young researchers, practitioners, campaigners and students. Attendance and […]

SYP UK papers from Kazakhstan conference published

In August 2017, senior and youth members of International Pugwash met in Astana, Kazakhstan, for the 62nd Pugwash Conference – ‘Confronting New Nuclear Dangers’ (multimedia here). Russian Pugwash has recently published a selection of papers from the conference, in their new publication ‘Global and regional security issues and prospects for cooperation’. Within the collection is a […]

News from SYP UK – social media paper published, Nicolas in Russia

Over the next twelve months, Student/Young Pugwash UK will be publishing ideas and research from our members about the risks and opportunities of emerging technologies. Our first paper is a think piece by Dávid Almási, an undergraduate at University of Warwick, who considers whether changes in mass communication technologies will affect how governments justify but […]