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Rethinking Nuclear Weapons

Ward Wilson, Senior Fellow at the James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute, addressed a British Pugwash discussion meeting at University College London on the pragmatic question of whether nuclear weapons are effective and of economic or political value, setting aside the many moral arguments that can be made.

What did the NPT Review Conference achieve?

The discussion meeting after the British Pugwash AGM focused on ‘The 2010 NPT Review Conference: consequences for the future of disarmament and non-proliferation’. Speakers included Ambassador Peter Jenkins, Geneva Centre for Security Policy; previously UK Ambassador to the IAEA; Carol Naughton, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy; and Prof. John Simpson, Mountbatten Centre for International Studies.

Armed robots and military nanotechnology

At a British Pugwash discussion meeting at which Prof. Jürgen Altmann of the Faculty of Physics, Technische Universität Dortmund reviewed the military uses of robots, particularly uninhabited vehicles (UAVs) and their potential future role in and influence on warfare, and the possibilities of their preventive limitation.