Warwick Technology and Peace Conference (SYP UK Annual Conference 2020) A multidisciplinary conference about the risks posed by emerging technologies, as well as political and technical solutions to control them. Tickets here. There’ll be workshops on autonomous weapons (‘killer robots’) and the campaign against them; the impact of emerging technologies on nuclear weapons (eg. vulnerabilities, […]
Archive | December, 2019
New research: Hypersonic weapon systems – Implications and arms control (Dec 2019)
Published on 17th December 2019 in Emerging Technologies and the Impact on Strategic Stability, Nuclear Weapons, Current projects – feed, Disarmament, Publications, British Pugwash projects, International Peace & Security, Recently published
Student/Young Pugwash UK is delighted to release a new report on developments with hypersonic missile technology. The paper covers the latest technologies, the key states involved, the risks posed and the potential ways forward for arms control and non-proliferation. The report was developed by Matteo Frigoli, a young legal scholar with specialist interests in space […]
Help a Young Pugwashite get to Doha 2020!
Published on 2nd December 2019 in Uncategorised
Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is raising money to support one of its members to represent SYP UK at the next International SYP Conference, in Doha (Qatar) in early 2020.The 11th International SYP Conference (here) will bring together young scholars and professionals from around the word to discuss their ideas for the future of disarmament, arms control […]