Tom Milne and Henrietta Wilson, Verifying Nuclear Disarmament: A Role for AWE Aldermaston, a report from the British Pugwash Group with an introduction from Professor Jack Harris FRS, Sir Martin Rees FRS and Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS.
A PDF of the report is here
Contents, with page number
- Introduction 1
- The Changing Circumstances of the Atomic Weapons Establishment 7
- Potential Technical Contributions from the UK to Nuclear Arms Control, Non-proliferation and Disarmament 12
- Verifying Nuclear Disarmament 12
- Historical Role of the US Nuclear Weapons Laboratories and AWE Aldermaston in Nuclear Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament 15
- Current and Prospective R&D on Nuclear Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament 19
- Engaging AWE Scientists in Disarmament Work: Practical Issues 33
- Why Aldermaston? 33
- From Weapons Development to Arms Control and Disarmament 35
- Making Arms Control and Disarmament Work at AWE Accountable 37
- Potential Scale of Arms Control and Disarmament Work at AWE 38
- An Independent Centre of Expertise on Verifying Nuclear Disarmament 40
- The UK’s Past Contributions to International Arms Control and Disarmament: Case Studies 43
- The UK’s Contribution to Monitoring Nuclear Test Explosions 43
- The UK’s Contribution to Chemical and Biological Warfare Disarmament 46
- The UK’s Contribution to Monitoring the Destruction of Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction 52
- Factors That Have Enabled the UK to Contribute to International Arms Control and Disarmament 56
- Technical Knowledge – Role of National Laboratories 56
- Political Commitment 59
- The UK’s Negotiating Role 60
- The UK’s International Political Context 61
- Conclusions 62