Trident Replacement: A Critical View from Scotland

Professor William Walker, co-Author of Uncharted Waters: The UK Nuclear Weapons and the Scottish Question discussed the issue of Trident replacement from a Scottish Perspective at a British Pugwash meeting on 31 January 2007 at the British Institute of Radiology, London.

Dark Materials

Nuclear scientist Joseph Rotblat campaigned against the atom bomb he had helped unleash. Is it time for today’s cyber scientists to heed his legacy? Essay by Martin Rees, The Guardian, 10 June 2006

Iran at the Crossroads

1 June 2006, British Institute of Radiology, London. Speakers: Dr Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Laureate and human rights lawyer, Dr Ali Ansari, Reader in Modern History, University of St Andrews, Associate Fellow, Iran Programme, Chatham House.