Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK is raising money to support one of its members to represent SYP UK at the next International SYP Conference, in Doha (Qatar) in early 2020.
The 11th International SYP Conference (here) will bring together young scholars and professionals from around the word to discuss their ideas for the future of disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation.
SYP UK already has links with SYP members in Russia, the Middle East, Asia and beyond. It is essential that we maintain and expand this network during this politically turbulent period and the ISYP 2020 conference is a great opportunity to help us do this.
The SYP UK representative will also have the opportunity to attend the ‘senior’ International Pugwash Conference 2020, which immediately follows the youth conference (more info here).
To chip in, please visit SYP UK’s fundraising page below:
- The ISYP Conference is from 28th to 29th February in Doha, Qatar.
- The conference provides room and board, kindly donated by the Government of Qatar.
- SYP UK is raising £400 to cover the travel costs of an SYP UK member to attend this conference.
- The GoFundMe crowdfunding page is online here