Topics include: Planetary Boundaries, The Future of Trident; 59th Pugwash conference
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What price nuclear blackmail?
General Sir Hugh Beach challenges the doctrine of nuclear deterrence, arguing that nuclear weapons have never acted as a ‘credible’ deterrent.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, Trident – should we keep it?
Together with the WMD Awareness Programme, British Pugwash co-sponsored this ‘mock trial’ of Trident in Edinburgh on 23 June. Professor Michael Clarke, Director of the Royal United Services Institute, made the ‘no’ case, with the ‘yes’ arguments being put by former UK Defence Secretary and Secretary General of NATO Lord Robertson of Port Ellen.
Briefings on Nuclear Security
Background briefings produced in conjunction with the Nuclear Weapons Policy Liaison Group aim to inform British parliamentarians on the UK’s nuclear weapons policy and its context.
Joseph Rotblat Memorial Lecture 2011
The annual Rotblat lecture at the Hay Festival featured Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, former Director General of the IAEA, live from Cairo in discussion with Jon Snow. Dr ElBaradei’s book, The Age of Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times, the ‘Arab Spring’, and his candidacy in the 2011 Egyptian elections were among the subjects covered.
British Pugwash Annual Report 2011
Key topics: UK related nuclear weapons issues, particularly government’s decision to proceed with renewing Trident; non-proliferation and disarmament issues. New themes: future of UK energy policy; climate change and planetary boundaries