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Front of UN HQ in New York

POSTPONED – Non-Proliferation Treaty RevCon 2020 – British Pugwash discussion meeting

In light of government advice on COVID-19 and the fact that the NPT RevCon 2020 has been postponed, we have decided to postpone this event (possibly to next year). We have also postponed the AGM of British Pugwash, which was supposed to precede this meeting. Date / Time: Tues 21st April, 6pm to 7.30pm Venue: […]

British Pugwash Newsletter – January 2020

Topics covered in the British Pugwash January 2020 Newsletter include: New Research: Hypersonic weapon systems – Implications for strategic stability and arms controlResearcher job: British Pugwash project on climate change and nuclear weaponsRoyal Society video of Rees/Cox on Rotblat – Now on YouTube!Crowdfund appeal – Help SYP UK get to Doha 2020 The newsletter can […]

British Pugwash Newsletter – November 2019

Topics covered in the British Pugwash November 2019 Newsletter include: Film & Debate – The End of Nuclear Weapons? – KCL, 28 NovRemembering General Sir Hugh BeachMultimedia from Ethical Science mini-conference, NottinghamCrowdfund appeal – Help SYP UK get to Doha 2020!New York meeting: The Erosion of Arms Control Architecture The newsletter can be found online here

New research: Hypersonic weapon systems – Implications and arms control (Dec 2019)

Student/Young Pugwash UK is delighted to release a new report on developments with hypersonic missile technology. The paper covers the latest technologies, the key states involved, the risks posed and the potential ways forward for arms control and non-proliferation. The report was developed by Matteo Frigoli, a young legal scholar with specialist interests in space […]

The End of Nuclear Weapons? (28th Nov, KCL)

Unfortunately, due to high demand, tickets are no longer available for this event. ——- British Pugwash will screen the new, hour-long documentary – The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons – about the ideas and campaigners behind the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons. Trailer here: Following this, Dr Salma Shaheen (War […]


Arms Control Winter Course, Italy – International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO) – Jan 2020

Details have now been released of the fantastic ISODARCO Winter Course, organised by Italian Pugwash. Full details and registration is online here: ——— 59th Winter Course of the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO) Subject: Emerging Technologies, Evolving Nuclear Postures, and Deteriorating Norms: is the Global Nuclear Order Eroding? Venue: Andalo (Trento, […]