‘The validity of the rationale for UK’s possession of nuclear weapons’ (January 2009) Professor Robert Hinde argues that “the basic reasons that have been given for retaining or improving our nuclear weaponry have remained surprisingly similar across the years”. Read the article
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UK does not need a nuclear deterrent – Letter
Field Marshal Lord Bramall, General Lord Ramsbotham, General Sir Hugh Beach (member BPG Executive Committee) ‘UK does not need a nuclear deterrent: Nuclear weapons must not be seen to be vital to the secure defence of self-respecting nations’. Letter, The Times 16 January 2009.
Progressing the nuclear disarmament agenda – Policy, diplomacy and science
Honouring the centenary of Joseph Rotblat’s birth, this seminar, held on 10 December 2008, explored concrete suggestions for creating and developing the political and technical environments conducive to the eventual attainment of a nuclear weapons free world.
The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and the British Pugwash Pugwash Group hosted the European premiere in London on 10 December 2008 of The Strangest Dream, a new film about Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash, and nuclear weapons, produced by the National Film Board of Canada.
Ending War – A Recipe
Robert Hinde, Ending War: A Recipe (December 2008) “Not this year, not in my lifetime, perhaps in yours, and with a strong probability in my grandchildren’s lifetimes, war will be seen as an unacceptable way of settling disputes between states. The aim of this book is to hasten the day.”
NATO Advanced Research Workshop: The Role of Independent Scientists in WMD Threat Assessment
This workshop, held on 13 – 16 November 2008 in Zagreb, Croatia, explored ways to ensure that NATO, Partner, and Mediterranean Dialogue countries maximise the scientific resources available to them, and highlighted ways they can take better advantage of the role of independent scientists in threat assessment.