In June 2022 NATO members adopted an updated Strategic Concept (the preceding Concept having been adopted in 2010). There was reason to hope that in the updated Concept NATO members would envisage using nuclear weapons only in response to their first use by a nuclear-armed adversary. That reason lay in remarks made by President Biden […]
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On ending the Ukraine conflict and reducing nuclear dangers
Note by the President and the Secretary General of Pugwash 1. We note with great concern the worsening situation in the ongoing conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The annexation of areas currently controlled by the Russian military will exacerbate tensions as Ukraine seems determined to recover the occupied regions and is supported by […]
The Extension of Russian Nuclear Weapon Use Risk to the Ukrainian Theatre, a British Pugwash Note
On 21 September President Putin said: “If the territorial integrity of our nation is threatened, we will certainly use all the means that we have to defend Russia and our people.” On 30 September he reiterated the point at the signing of treaties for the accession to the Russian Federation of the Donetsk and Lugansk […]
Pugwash note on the outcome of the 10th NPT Review Conference
Pugwash notes with regret that the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) have not been able to achieve consensus on a Final Document at the Tenth Review Conference. The NPT is an important element of the multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regime, and all Parties must continue to support it in […]
Pugwash at the 2022 NPT Review Conference
On 12 August 2022 International Pugwash co-hosted a meeting with the Mission of Brazil to the United Nations in the sidelines of the 10th Review Conference of the NPT. More than 50 delegates and experts attended the event, which featured presentations by Professor Paolo Cotta Ramusino (Pugwash Secretary-General), Ambassador Wael Al Assad (Senior Adviser […]
Pugwash Note on Present Dangers
The below Pugwash Note was written by Sergio Duarte, President, and Dr Paolo Cotta Ramusino, Secretary-General, of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. The present global situation is very dangerous. Not since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis have we had such a dangerous environment. But while the Cuban missile crisis lasted 13 days, […]