Peter Jenkins, Chairman of British Pugwash, spoke recently at an international meeting convened by Pugwash Conferences. This is an abridged and edited transcript. The title of this session, Challenges to Global Order, took my mind back to March 1991 when President George H W Bush addressed Congress following the expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. […]
Publications RSS feed for this section
British Pugwash Newsletter: May 2024
Items include: Upcoming Hay Festival lecture, 1 June: Professor Carlo Rovelli Annual lecture and interview: Professor Dame Athene Donald Webinar video: Dr James Acton AGM and Annual Report Student / Young Pugwash Update Recent articles and reports of interest Obituary: Kit Hill Download this newsletter as a pdf here. Upcoming Hay Festival lecture, 1 June: […]
China’s Call for a No-First-Use Agreement
Reuters reported from Beijing on 28 February that the director general of the arms control department in the PRC foreign ministry had called for States with the largest nuclear arsenals to negotiate a treaty on no-first-use of nuclear weapons against each other, or to make political statements to that effect. The call was made during […]
British Pugwash Newsletter: December 2023
British Pugwash Newsletter: December 2023 Items include: New briefing: Aspects of UK Nuclear Weapons Possession Pugwash Meeting on Irreversibility in the Nuclear Domain Student / Young Pugwash Update: Annual Conference; Negotiation Simulation Webinar video: Professor Steve Fetter on rising nuclear risks Recent articles and reports of interest —> Download this newsletter as […]
New Briefing: Aspects of UK Nuclear Weapons Possession
Aspects of UK Nuclear Weapons Possession Download a pdf of this briefing here. This briefing covers four areas: i) UK nuclear weapons modernisation ii) the UK-US nuclear relationship iii) UK nuclear use policy in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war iv) UK action on nuclear arms control and disarmament. 1. Modernising the […]
British Pugwash Newsletter: September 2023
Items include: 1. Webinar: Reducing nuclear weapons and the risk of nuclear war 2. Videos of recent webinars / Joseph Rotblat documentary 3. Russia-Ukraine war: publications / materials 4. British Pugwash annual report 5. Recent articles and reports of interest 6. Student and Young Pugwash update 7. Obituary: Professor Edward (Ted) Cocking Download this newsletter as a pdf here […]