In response to a high level request for an overview of UK non-governmental work on nuclear disarmament, British Pugwash has produced a directory of the UK-based NGOs and individual experts with a focus on non-proliferation and disarmament issues.
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Briefings on Nuclear Security
Background briefings produced in conjunction with the Nuclear Weapons Policy Liaison Group aim to inform British parliamentarians on the UK’s nuclear weapons policy and its context.
British Pugwash Annual Report 2011
Key topics: UK related nuclear weapons issues, particularly government’s decision to proceed with renewing Trident; non-proliferation and disarmament issues. New themes: future of UK energy policy; climate change and planetary boundaries
The Nuclear Implications of the SDSR/NSS
Professor John Simpson provides a guide to the nuclear implications of the government’s October 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review.
War is not inevitable
Three distinguished scientists argue that “War is not inevitable: aggressiveness can be tamed”
British Pugwash Annual Report 2010
Key topics: Advancing UK and European leadership in nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament in the runup to the May 2010 NPT Review Conference; Report: The Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK; mapping disarmament in the UK