energy strategies which have been constructed using the ‘Pathways to 2050 Calculator’ which has been made publicly available by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

energy strategies which have been constructed using the ‘Pathways to 2050 Calculator’ which has been made publicly available by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
UK MoD invited a British Pugwash working group to undertake an independent peer review of its past decade’s work towards developing a credible technical framework for the verification of dismantlement of nuclear weapons. The report presents our conclusions.
Topics include: report on audit of UK MoD’s programme on Verification of Dismantlement of Nuclear Weapons; participation with the Tricycle Theatre in “Nuclear Season” of plays, films and exhibitions; launch of Andrew Brown’s biography of Joseph Rotblat, Keeper of the Nuclear Conscience
British Pugwash response to a DECC investigation of the three options discussed in the British Pugwash report The Management of Separated Plutonium in the UK.
Topics include: Planetary Boundaries, The Future of Trident; 59th Pugwash conference
General Sir Hugh Beach challenges the doctrine of nuclear deterrence, arguing that nuclear weapons have never acted as a ‘credible’ deterrent.
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