The Quinquennial Report 2007-2013 was produced to coincide with the International Pugwash Quinquennial meeting held in Istanbul 1-5 November 2013.

The Quinquennial Report 2007-2013 was produced to coincide with the International Pugwash Quinquennial meeting held in Istanbul 1-5 November 2013.
A paper given by Hugh Beach at the 60th International Pugwash Conference, Istanbul 1-5 November 2013.
Topics include: Trident renewal; non-proliferation and disarmament; the military robotics debate; Launch of expert report Pathways to 2050: Three possible UK energy strategies.
Key topics: Verification of nuclear weapon dismantlement and energy strategies. Key discussion meetings included: the launch of Andrew Brown’s biography of Joseph Rotblat; ‘The Lessons of Fukushima’, and ‘Generating clean energy from sunlight and maintaining biodiversity’
Final report of a British Pugwash Group project that aimed identify possible grounds for a new consensus on the link between non-proliferation and disarmament in the context of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, with consideration for the potential role of the UK.
Report from a scoping workshop to examine the ethical implications of current and possible future developments in modern military robotics, held on 20-22 March 2013 at the University of Birmingham.
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