Topics covered in the British Pugwash Late 2018 Newsletter include: The state of the Iran nuclear deal Nuclear power – future prospects Researchers oppose EU military research programme Killer robots (guest piece by Article 36) Upcoming events Download here
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News from SYP UK – social media paper published, Nicolas in Russia
Over the next twelve months, Student/Young Pugwash UK will be publishing ideas and research from our members about the risks and opportunities of emerging technologies. Our first paper is a think piece by Dávid Almási, an undergraduate at University of Warwick, who considers whether changes in mass communication technologies will affect how governments justify but […]
British Pugwash Annual Report 2017
Key topics include: developments on the international scene, including US and Russia; Trident: emerging technologies; the NPT RevCon and the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics: the ethics of modern robotics; energy policy and climate change; Student / Young Pugwash activities; events in 2017 Read or download the report
British Pugwash Newsletter January 2018
Topics covered in the British Pugwash Early 2018 Newsletter include: Joseph Rotblat memorial plaque The Biological Weapons Convention – A new work programme Reports from BPG Exec members PeaceJam UK Conference SYP Annual Conference Download here
New podcast – Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness!
British Pugwash was the host of a major, public awareness campaign for over 10 years – WMD Awareness – which educated the public and politicians about the reality of nuclear (and other) weapons. One of the leading lights of the initiative – Luke Wilson – has made a fantastic podcast about the history and insights […]
Warwick Peace Conference – multimedia report!
Student / Young Pugwash UK held its third Annual Conference in March 2018, titled ‘Warwick Peace Conference‘. The conference brought in over 70 participants, including young researchers, practitioners and students from across the world. Working Groups explored trends from the worlds of politics and technology and how these may influence war and peace. The agenda […]