Topics covered in the British Pugwash May 2020 Newsletter include: Pugwash statement on the Open Skies Treaty and New START Pugwash statement on NPT Review postponement and risks post-pandemic Obituary – Julian Perry Robinson Dr Frank Boulton on ‘Nuclear war and public health’ A selection of relevant articles The newsletter can be found online here
Archive | May, 2020
Pugwash statement on the NPT Review Conference Postponement and Risks after the Pandemic
Published on 14th May 2020 in Nuclear Weapons, NPT, Publications, International Peace & Security, Student Young Pugwash Events, Recently published, Student Young Pugwash Upcoming Events
The below is a Pugwash statement concerning nuclear problems and tensions in the time of COVID-19. This statement has been co-signed by an extensive list of Pugwash colleagues and personalities, including the President and Secretary General of International Pugwash (full list of names here).International Pugwash hopes that it might promote debate about how to improve international cooperation and, in particular, […]