Peter Jenkins, former UK Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency and Shashank Joshi, Research Fellow at RUSI debated the accuracy of Defence Minister Philip Hammond’s claim that proliferating nuclear threats justify Trident renewal.
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British Pugwash Newsletter September 2013
Topics include: Trident renewal; non-proliferation and disarmament; the military robotics debate; Launch of expert report Pathways to 2050: Three possible UK energy strategies.
Hans Blix The outlook for peace and disarmament
Dr Hans Blix, the former UN Chief Weapons Inspector who led the inspections in Iraq in 2002-03, gave the 9th Joseph Rotblat lecture at Hay Literary Festival on 26 May 2013. He said he would vote for a place for the UK in the Guinness Book of Records, if it dropped the plan to renew […]
The foreign-policy implications of the Trident replacement debate
Deterrence and defence policies are at the core of Britain’s Trident replacement policy debates. The strategic foreign policy implications of the replacement debate for Britain also require closer consideration. These were some of the conclusions of an IISS discussion meeting at Arundel House on ‘The foreign-policy implications of the Trident replacement debate’ on 13 March.
A Nuclear Weapons Free World? Britain, Trident and the Challenges Ahead
The launch of Dr Nick Ritchie’s book A Nuclear Weapons Free World? Britain, Trident and the Challenges Ahead (Palgrave, 2012) addressed the question: Why is the UK still committed to nuclear weapons, what are the prospects for a change in UK policy, and what does the UK process tell about the prospects for disarmament?
Verification of Nuclear Weapon Dismantlement: Peer Review of the UK MoD Programme
UK MoD invited a British Pugwash working group to undertake an independent peer review of its past decade’s work towards developing a credible technical framework for the verification of dismantlement of nuclear weapons. The report presents our conclusions.