Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene with major implications for British Pugwash; Trident update; the 2015 NPT Review Conference; the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics, including autonomous weapons; chemical weapons; UK and European energy policy.
Climate Change and Energy Policy RSS feed for this section
Climate change: can the world meet the targets agreed in Paris?
In December 2015, the nations of the world met in Paris and agreed to try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so as to hold “the increase in average surface temperature to well below 2°C”. At this British Pugwash discussion meeting on 5 April 2016, Dr Christopher Watson presented our findings, describing the technology options and, […]
Climate Change and the DECC Global Calculator
A new report from British Pugwash and the European Physical Society Energy Committee reviews a new international project led by the DECC to develop a software package to explore strategies that will meet the new December 2015 climate change targets.
British Pugwash Newsletter November 2015
Topics include: WMDA Talking Trident and Ambassadors’ programmes; the ethics of developing technologies; Syria’s chemical weapons; Ukraine; relaunching Student/Young Pugwash; global energy calculator
British Pugwash Annual Report 2014
Key topics: developments on the international disarmament scene with major implications for British Pugwash; Trident and the General Election; the Disarmament Institute (BRINDI); science and ethics, including the military robotics debate; UK and European energy policy. Read or download the report (pdf)
Energy policy
In October 2011, a British Pugwash working group launched a project to provide information in support of a public debate on how to balance the UK’s supply of and demand for energy between now and 2050, without reneging on the government’s commitment to reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases by 80 per cent by 2050.