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British Pugwash Group Annual Report 2020

Topics covered include: International developments vis-a-vis arms control Student/Young Pugwash UK PeaceJam UK British Pugwash Lecture at Hay: Jim Al-Khalili Multimedia from events Welcoming our Patrons The Joseph Rotblat Memorial Trust Download or read the report

British Pugwash statement on the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy (March 2021)

British Pugwash is troubled to note the UK Government’s decisions, announced in the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, to increase the UK’s stockpile of nuclear warheads and no longer to reveal the number of these weapons that will be kept operational. Both these moves are retrograde. The change from the previous […]

VIDEO: Peace Workshops, SYP UK, March 2021

Throughout March, Student/Young Pugwash (SYP) UK ran a series of online ‘peace workshops’, bringing together international researchers and policy practitioners to discuss opportunities for international co-operation, arms control and peace. Some of the sessions were recorded (below). Others were held under Chatham House rules. Keynote: Dr Lassina Zerbo (Chief Exec, CTBTO), in conversation Our keynote […]

Uyghur person surrounded by cameras

VIDEO: China’s Surveillance Technology Abuse and the Uyghur People

On 20th January, Oxford Student/Young Pugwash hosted Dr. Darren Byler and Rahima Mahmut, to discuss China’s deployment of digital surveillance technologies against Muslim minority groups and the experience of the Uyghur people. Dr. Byler (here) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where he researches technopolitical […]

VIDEO: Ethics & Digital – Feminist cybersecurity and Decolonising AI (5th Nov)

In this SYP UK webinar, Dr Kanta Dihal (Leverhulme Future of Intelligence Centre) discussed her work on Decolonising AI and Julia Slupska (Digital Ethics Lab) talked about feminist cybersecurity. The Chair was Niamh Healy (UCL), SYP UK President.   This was the first event in SYP UK’s Festival of Ethical Science. For more on the […]

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VIDEO: Science and Indigenous Peoples (24th Nov)

In this webinar, SYP UK hosted Riley Taitingfong and Dr Hilding Neilson discussed science and technology from the perspective of Indigenous communities. Riley Taitingfong, a PhD candidate at UCSD (here), introduced her work on gene drives on Pacific Ocean islands in the context of historic and ongoing impacts of settler colonialism and military experimentation. Hindling […]