“The Nuclear Threat is Real” Address by Joseph Rotblat to the 3rd World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, Rome, Italy, 19-20 October 2002.
Publications RSS feed for this section
An End to UK Nuclear Weapons – A Report from the British Pugwash Group
T Milne, H Beach, J L Finney, R S Pease, J Rotblat, An End to UK Nuclear Weapons A Report from the British Pugwash Group, 3 October 2002.
Verifying Nuclear Disarmament – A Role for AWE Aldermaston
Tom Milne and Henrietta Wilson, Verifying Nuclear Disarmament: A Role for AWE Aldermaston, a report from the British Pugwash Group with an introduction from Professor Jack Harris FRS, Sir Martin Rees FRS and Sir Joseph Rotblat FRS.
India and the Bomb
Professor Amartya Sen’s Dorothy Hodgkin Lecture, presented at the 50th Pugwash Annual Conference, Cambridge, August 2000 and sponsored by the British Pugwash Group
Does Britain Need Nuclear Weapons? A report from the British Pugwash Group
Tom Milne, C. R. Hill, R. S. Pease, R. E. Peierls, J. Rotblat, Does Britain Need Nuclear Weapons? A report from the British Pugwash Group (2000)
Nuclear Energy – Promise or Peril?
Nuclear Energy: Promise or Peril? A joint publication of the British, French & Belgian Pugwash Groups. Editors: C R Hill, A L Mechelynck, G Ripka & B C C van der Zwaan. World Scientific Publishing Company, 1999 (ISBN 981-02-4001-2)