On 28th and 29th October, members of British Pugwash’s Executive Committee were pleased to participate in a series of discussions on the future of arms control, Russia-West relations, and future Pugwash activities. It was hosted by the Institute for International Studies of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and the bulk of participants […]
Archive | October, 2021
UK public opinion on ‘First Use’ of nuclear weapons (Oct 2021)
Published on 15th October 2021 in Nuclear Weapons, Current projects – feed, Recently published
British Pugwash note: Two Thirds of UK Public Opposed to “First Use” of Nuclear Weapons (PDF report here) The “Interim National Security Strategic Guidance” of the United States, released on 3 March 2021, states that the Biden administration will take steps to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in national security strategy, while ensuring that […]

Oxford SYP: The challenge of radioactive waste disposal (19th Oct)
Published on 14th October 2021 in Climate Change and Energy Policy, Events, Recent events, Student Young Pugwash Events
On Tuesday 19th October, Oxford Student/Young Pugwash hosted an online event on the ‘challenge of UK radioactive waste disposal’. The speaker was Dr Ian Crossland. Ian is an engineer with over 50 years experience in the nuclear industry, with a focus on decommissioning and radioactive waste management. In recent years, he has worked as an […]