Membership is open to everyone in the UK qualified by experience or inclination to contribute to, or support the work of, British Pugwash. A good number of our members are scientists, including many Fellows of the Royal Society, and engineers; but the participation of individuals from other backgrounds is valued.
We particularly welcome participation from students and young researchers.
Our members have a wide range of interests: in controlling weapons of mass destruction, the militarisation of space, emerging technologies, international peace, climate science, and the ethical responsibilities of scientists.
Noteworthy members
Noteworthy past members include:

Membership benefits include:
- Invitations to British Pugwash events, such as the Rotblat Memorial Lecture, the British Pugwash Lecture at the Hay Festival, symposiums and conferences.
- A bimonthly newsletter about cutting-edge issues in science and public affairs, as well as updates on British Pugwash projects.
- Being part of a network that British and International Pugwash can utilise for its research and policy activities.
- Receiving British Pugwash publications, including research reports and our Annual Reports.
A membership brochure (pdf) is here
BROCHURE – BPG’s membership brochure (pdf) is here
Fees – Standard membership is £25 p/y. For students and Under 30s, membership is free. For info, contact
ENQUIRIES TO: Tim Street, Secretary, British Pugwash
Office: Ground Floor Flat, 63A Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BJ, UK
Office: Ground Floor Flat, 63A Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BJ, UK
Bank details:
Account name: Joseph Rotblat Memorial Trust
Account number: 00203548
Bank name: Barclays
Sort code: 20-74-63
IBAN: GB27 BUKB 2074 6300 2035 48
Account number: 00203548
Bank name: Barclays
Sort code: 20-74-63
IBAN: GB27 BUKB 2074 6300 2035 48
Go Cardless (direct debit):
British Pugwash membership – Standard (yearly) – £25 p/y – here