Student/Young Pugwash

Students at SYP conference

A workshop at SYP UK’s Annual Conference

Interested in peace? Nuclear weapons? Climate Change? Ethical Science?

Join Student / Young Pugwash UK!

What is Pugwash?

The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs use the best social and natural science expertise to inform government and the public about issues relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction, peace, the environment, and the social responsibility of scientists. It supports a network of student societies and keen individuals around the UK that promotes and participates in its work, called ‘Student / Young Pugwash (SYP) UK’.

What are the benefits?

  • SYP UK organises a major, annual conference on peace and arms control, where you can meet high-profile figures from government, academia and the NGO / charity sector. It is also launching an annual conference on the ethical application of science and technology.
  • We publish the research and ideas of our members through British Pugwash, a Nobel Prize-winning NGO.
  • We are part of an international network of student societies – International SYP – and visit our overseas friends every two years to discuss world-changing political and scientific ideas.

Become a member?

To learn more about involvement with Student / Young Pugwash (SYP) UK, visit our ‘Get Involved’ page here or drop an email to


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