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News from SYP UK – social media paper published, Nicolas in Russia

Over the next twelve months, Student/Young Pugwash UK will be publishing ideas and research from our members about the risks and opportunities of emerging technologies. Our first paper is a think piece by Dávid Almási, an undergraduate at University of Warwick, who considers whether changes in mass communication technologies will affect how governments justify but […]


Iran Nuclear Deal and the US (Warwick Pugwash, 16th January)

Our University of Warwick Pugwash group kicked off Term 2 with a talk on the Iran nuclear deal and what consequences President Trump’s opposition to it may have. Our speakers are: – Jacapo Scita (MSc in Middle Eastern Politics) The nature of the deal and the consensus it has generated in the wider international community […]

Lord Martin Rees: Peering into the Future – The Bumpy Road Ahead

Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, gave a lecture on 5 November at the School of Oriental and African Studies entitled ‘Peering into the Future: The Bumpy Road Ahead’. The meeting was co-hosted by CISD, and British Pugwash.